Wavy baby blanket for my baby boy

29. oktober 2014 § 1 kommentar

It’s been a while since my last post. In fact it’s been one and a half year. A lot has happened and I’ve been very busy and haven’t really had the time or energy for hobbies or bolgging. Well, I think it’s time to start up again. With both 🙂

One of my most popular post is my wavy baby blanket. I made this blanket for my baby girl when she was a newborn. This spring she got a little baby brother and I just had to make him the same blanket, being it’s my own design and all. I’m going to save the blanks for them and give them back when they are all grown up. Maybe they’ll use the blankets for their babies?
So I wanted to share with you my boyish version of my wavy baby blanket. 🙂wavy baby blanket for a baby boy

Colors was picked to mach this stroller and chanching bag as well 🙂
wavy baby blanket for a baby boy

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§ 1 Responses to Wavy baby blanket for my baby boy

  • Maren sier:

    Synes dette teppet er så fint! Ble så inspirert første gang jeg så det, og tenket lenge jeg skulle prøve. Siden tålmodigheten min er ganske utålmodig, ble det en handduk i første omgang. Er superfornøyd! Tusen takk for en kjempegod oppskrift! Lett å følge, med et lekkert resultat! 🙂

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